I haven't posted on here for so long!!! So much has been happening!
Firstly, my gorgeous girl graduated!! 2.1 so proud of her!! Not just with the degree,, but how she has handled the whole university life! She moved up to London from a small village on the edge of Dartmoor, she settled in to uni with some people bullying her in a really horrible way, she rose above it all and came out tops!!!
At her graduation ceremony last week I couldn't have been more proud,,,,managed not to cry,,,,just!! But my eyes did water and burn a few times. Love my girl so much!!
I have also been busy with a few more courses for work. I can now do Full Body Massage and Hopi Ear Candeling.....also did a very hard nail art course. All of these I need to practise loads!! I enjoyed every course.
I just wish I had the money to get my own salon,,,,,,,something I am desperate to do.....I also wish I could move out of this village and somewhere a bit livelier!! I am bored living here!!
I will try and update more often now,,,,,even though nobody reads it,,,,its just nice to off-load sometimes,,,,,,,,i am feeling isolated and alone at the moment.....