So,,I've been thinking of something I can do other than work. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job. I just never switch off from it. I am always researching the latest look for the nail. What colours are in and out. For waxing I am alway looking out for the latest brow shape...Yes,, even these can be in fashion!
So,,, I have been looking for other things to do,,,things just for me. Not for my clients....
I have been looking at jewellry making,,,very expensive! But still an option,,,,, But the one thats come out tonight has been Candle Making!
I love candles and alway have them burning. I find they can change your mood, the room, the atmosphere.
So I have found a company that sells a beginners kit for less than £12. I am going to order it tonight and have a go........will let you know how 'Kirsty's Kandles' develop.
Just for you: