Thursday, 23 February 2012

New Gelish, New clients,

    I have bought the red from the new Magneto range thats just been launched in Gelish..
  I have to admit I saw some pictures that people had placed onlone and wasn't convinced.  However, using this product and having a play with it has convinced me I need to add a couple more colours!
I will get the purple and silver ones next and have some fun with them!

  I also had a new client come to me a couple weeks ago wanting enhancements.  I convinced her that we can get her nails growing.  I am not the type of nail tech that will put enhancements on straight away.  I love being able to get people growing their own nails.  The client loves the fact that their nails can be encouraged to grow and with the help and strength that Gelish gives, this has become such for many of my clients. Lots of whom wore the said enhancements and I have converted them to Gelish.
  I love my job!!!


  1. Oh my goodness!!! I don't know about Magneto!!!! I need to investigate!!!!!! :-D

    1. They are brilliant Sue! Well worth getting! x
